Contribute Data
Contribute new data to NVS or help us to improve data we already hold.
We expect this site to be unavailable from 25 August ??:?? to ??:?? NZST while it is being updated.
Contribute new data to NVS or help us to improve data we already hold.
Create metadata and upload datasets
Contact us about storing physical items (e.g. plot sheets)
Submit corrections for errors in NVS datasets
Review Metadata information and datasets uploaded
Name | |
Vernacular Names | |
Authors | |
Classification | |||||
Kingdom | |||||
Phylum | |||||
Class | |||||
Order | |||||
Family | |||||
Genus | |||||
Species |
Additional Information (Source National Vegetation Survey Databank) | |
Bio Status | |
Growth Form | |
Palatibility | |
Threatened Status |
Datasets require the permission of the owner before they can be downloaded.
Datasets can be downloaded by any logged in user.
Please provide information on how you are planning to use these data, in particular the potential significance of your project. This helps us report on the value of NVS data and allows us to ensure you have received the data most suited to your purpose.