Seasons Greetings from Manaaki Whenua.

Our staff are away on their holidays from December 20th to January 6th and our response time to issues may be delayed during this time.

Data Entry & Analysis Tool

Data entry

NVS Express

NVS Express is a freely available purpose-built Windows tool for entering and summarising vegetation data compatible with NVS. It accepts data collected using the standard vegetation inventory (i.e. 'Recces') and forest monitoring (i.e. permanent fixed-area plots) methods. NVS Express includes tools to validate, exchange and convert data.

Feature Overview

  • Data entry for standard plot collection methods
  • Data validation tools to verify data integrity
  • Data export in a range of formats, including for upload into the National Vegetation Survey Databank
  • Data summarisation (tabulations, cross-tabulations, histograms, and statistics)
  • Analysis of temporal change
  • Community classifcation using TWINSPAN

Getting Started

NVS Express runs on Windows XP and Windows 7 and requires the MS.Net framework, version 3.5.

For more information please refer to the following:

Development of NVS Express was supported by the Terrestrial and Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (TFBIS) fund.

Permission required

Datasets require the permission of the owner before they can be downloaded.

Open access

Datasets can be downloaded by any logged in user.

Please provide information on how you are planning to use these data, in particular the potential significance of your project. This helps us report on the value of NVS data and allows us to ensure you have received the data most suited to your purpose.

Vernacular Names


Additional Information (Source National Vegetation Survey Databank)
Bio Status
Growth Form
Threatened Status