Data Entry & Analysis Tool

NVS Express
NVS Express is a freely available purpose-built Windows tool for entering and summarising vegetation data compatible with NVS. It accepts data collected using the standard vegetation inventory (i.e. 'Recces') and forest monitoring (i.e. permanent fixed-area plots) methods. NVS Express includes tools to validate, exchange and convert data.
Feature Overview
- Data entry for standard plot collection methods
- Data validation tools to verify data integrity
- Data export in a range of formats, including for upload into the National Vegetation Survey Databank
- Data summarisation (tabulations, cross-tabulations, histograms, and statistics)
- Analysis of temporal change
- Community classifcation using TWINSPAN

Getting Started
NVS Express runs on Windows XP and Windows 7 and requires the MS.Net framework, version 3.5.
For more information please refer to the following:

Development of NVS Express was supported by the Terrestrial and Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (TFBIS) fund.