Seasons Greetings from Manaaki Whenua.

Our staff are away on their holidays from December 20th to January 6th and our response time to issues may be delayed during this time.


Download blank plot-sheets or request plot-sheets pre-populated with existing data.


The National Vegetation Survey Databank (NVS) provides plot sheet templates for many of the methods for which data are stored in NVS. For specific studies these can be pre-populated with data from previous sampling efforts to help with in-field data verification during data recording. Field data collection protocols are described in our extensive set of field data collection manuals.

Plot and data sheets available for download

Permanent plot Recce sheet pdf (147 KB)

Stem diameter and sapling sheet pdf (45.4 KB)

Understorey subplot sheet pdf (52.9 KB)

Recce sheet - forest height tiers pdf (146 KB)

Recce sheet - non-woody height tiers pdf (31.0 KB)

Grassland Plot Record Sheets pdf (31.0 KB)

Foliar Browse Index: Data Sheets pdf (120 KB)

Foliar Browse Index: Foliage Cover Scale pdf (158 KB)

DOC Tier 1 Fieldsheet Templates pdf (598 KB)


Pre printed plot sheets for stem diameter remeasurement can be downloaded directly here

To request a pre-printed plot sheet or other data sheets not available online please contact the NVS team.

Permission required

Datasets require the permission of the owner before they can be downloaded.

Open access

Datasets can be downloaded by any logged in user.

Please provide information on how you are planning to use these data, in particular the potential significance of your project. This helps us report on the value of NVS data and allows us to ensure you have received the data most suited to your purpose.

Vernacular Names


Additional Information (Source National Vegetation Survey Databank)
Bio Status
Growth Form
Threatened Status