Two papers investigating impacts of invasive mammalian herbivores and weeds on NZ forests just out
Posted 19 Jul 2024
By James McCarthy
Type: News
Status: Confirmed
Notes: Two papers are recently out using the Tier 1 monitoring data set which has plots located at the intersections of an 8 km grid covering New Zealand. Both were collaborations between Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research and the Department of Conservation, and are available with open access:
Hawcroft A, Bellingham PJ, Jo I, Richardson SJ, Wright EF 2024. Are populations of trees threatened by non-native herbivorous mammals more secure in New Zealand's national parks? Biological Conservation 295: 110637.
Jo I, Bellingham PJ, Mason NWH, McCarthy JK, Peltzer DA, Richardson SJ, Wright EF. Disturbance-mediated community characteristics and anthropogenic pressure intensify understorey plant invasions in natural forests. Journal of Ecology: in press.